sluggish rateの例文


    もっと例文:   1  2  3  4  5  6
  1. Only Connecticut had a more sluggish rate among the five New England states.
  2. Only Connecticut had a more sluggish rate among the six New England states.
  3. The one " major drag, " he added, is the sluggish rate of new jobs creation.
  4. On the negative side, Fidelity said its retail mutual fund business rose at a more sluggish rate.
  5. That's a more sluggish rate than the nation, which showed 2.3 percent growth during the same period.


  1. "sluggish flow"の例文
  2. "sluggish flowing"の例文
  3. "sluggish market"の例文
  4. "sluggish metabolism"の例文
  5. "sluggish network"の例文
  6. "sluggish schizophrenia"の例文
  7. "sluggish stream"の例文
  8. "sluggish turnover"の例文
  9. "sluggish type"の例文
  10. "sluggish world economy"の例文
  11. "sluggish metabolism"の例文
  12. "sluggish network"の例文
  13. "sluggish schizophrenia"の例文
  14. "sluggish stream"の例文

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